7 Ways Video Keeps You Top of Mind with Your Ideal Client

You may think that videos are great for corporations who can afford impressive ads and celebrity guest spots, but not so great for small businesses. Shooting video takes a lot of time and effort. Is it really worth it?

The short answer? Absolutely. Video is hugely beneficial for any brand, no matter the size. It can help boost your business, keep you top of mind with prospective clients and get your name out there.

Improve your ranking
Video can actually improve your search engine optimization, helping you to rank higher on search engines like Google and driving more traffic to your website. The higher your ranking, the more people will see what you have to offer, and the better your chances of making a big splash in your industry.

Take advantage of YouTube
YouTube boasts over a billion users and over 250 million hours of content watched each day. That’s an audience you don’t want to miss out on. Your potential clients are likely checking out videos about products and services like yours, so why not get your content out there too?

Talk to prospects in their language
Video has bypassed images and other forms of creation content by a huge margin, making it the number one way to get your message out to your audience. In fact, four times as many consumers would rather watch a video about a product than read about it.

Build your brand stronger
Video can help engage viewers who may not be super familiar with brand and help explain what makes you different from other companies. This is critical for a small business because it helps you gain brand recognition with prospects and build relationships with potential customers.

Stand out on social
Video posts are shown more on Facebook and Instagram’s algorithms than images or posts that only include text because users tend to pay more attention to videos than any other kind of content. Having videos on your feed allows you to stand out and capture the attention of more potential clients.

Tell a better story
Video can tell a story in a way that images and copy just can’t. It allows you to show off your products, your services, the people you work with, and everything that makes your business unique and special. This personal touch means a lot to prospects and can even be the reason why they choose you over another company.

Demonstrate authenticity
High-budget videos may seem like the goal, but your lower budget efforts can actually pay off. Consumers want to connect with brands on a personal level, and they’ll appreciate videos that are genuine and authentic representations of your brand and what you stand for. Don’t sell yourself short!